Thursday, September 07, 2006

More Campaign News

Jerry McNerney

"Just as the crew of newly-minted precinct walking experts was about to head out the door, a surprise guest arrived to give them one last pep talk—it was Jerry McNerney himself!

Introductions, handshakes, and big smiles spread across the training room and the call center.

The volunteers were very happy to see Jerry, and they were also happy that he brought along a loaf of his wife Mary’s homemade cranberry bread. At the end of a very successful day almost every volunteer agreed to come back next weekend.

They want to work for a better America—and maybe they’re hoping to get the cranberry bread recipe, too.
" (source)

"Speaking to supporters in Dublin, Jerry McNerney, Democratic candidate for Congress in the 11 th district, said, "As we've all suspected, only the wealthy have seen their income rise since the last economic peak. While income for top-earning households rose in the last five years, everybody else fell-from about 3 to 5 percent. This uneven recovery hits hardest at those on the bottom rungs of our economic ladder."" (source)

Jerry McNerney: Labor Day Weekend: The Vitality of the American Dream (source)

Jerry McNerney: Happy Cheap Labor Day (source)

McNerney for Congress: Surprise Guest Fires Up Stockton-Area Precinct Walkers and Phoners (source)

Jerry McNerney's Blog Has Undergone A Successful Facelift. Very Nice.

Richard Pombo

"In the 11th Congressional District, Congressman Richard Pombo is arguably the only Northern California Republican incumbent congressman facing the possibility of a serious challenge in November. But he appears to be keeping the president's wind up for the war on Iraq about as far away as possible. He will not talk with us on the subject. On his campaign Web site there is no mention of the war -- no pictures of Richard Pombo and the president." (source)

The Record: Probed oil firm linked to Pombo It gave thousands to congressman (s ource)

California Chronicle: Oil Slick of Corruption Spreads South (source)

L.O.C./DailyKos: Let's Follow the Money: PFDs (source)

Sierra Club: Two-Time Losers (source)

Richard Pombo: We Have a Choice on Energy Independence (source)

More On The 11th C.D. Race

"So when staged a protest last Wednes-
day in San Ramon Central Park calling attention to Richard Pombo's stance on the Iraq War, she attended and expressed her concerns about the Tracy Republican's position.

Pombo's bid for an eighth term representing the 11th Congressional District has galvanized not only ordinary citizens such as Berman, but a plethora of groups that are attempting to unseat the chairman of the House Resources Committee.


Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund, recently upped its full-time staffing level in its Pleasanton office.

Ads posted on Craigslist seek volunteers willing to come to the district to knock on doors for the group. Members follow the congressman around, showing up at his district office, at events and political fund-raisers with signs and props.

And a few weeks ago, the Defenders even launched a series of television ads that paint Pombo as corrupt.

The Sierra Club, another group that lobbied against Pombo in the primary, is also slated to step up its efforts following the Labor Day holiday, particularly on the issue of oil drilling.


Whether the groups, bloggers and citizens will make a difference come November will be revealed on election day when the ballots are counted. But it does make the race one that not only constituents, but politicos, the media and others nationwide plan to watch." (source)

Argus: Groups' anti-Pombo campaigns recharge (source)

Washington Times: National significance seen in California 11th District (source)

Defenders of Wildlife Is Running 2 More TV Ads In Pombo's District
Watch "Abe" and "George" Pull A Pombo Here.


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