Friday, November 03, 2006

Richard Pombo Helps Big Oil & Big Oil Helps Richard Pombo

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HankShaw/Record: CD 11: Pombo gets checks from Chevron, DeLay's brother

"Tracy Rep. Richard Pombo collected a $2,100 check from former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay's younger brother Randolph DeLay Wednesday -- the maximum allowed. DeLay the Younger is a Houston-based lobbyist.


In other news, it appears that San Ramon-based oil giant Chevron *really* wants Pombo to win: They've contributed $14,600 to him in the past week, bringing the firm's total contributions to Pombo to $27,600." (source)

Pombo works hard for big oil. Very Hard. Harder Than Most. But It's Worth It For Pombo...

After all,
Richard Pombo has taken over $400k from Big Oil.

Jerry McNerney Stands Up To Big Oil & Richard Pombo, For Tax-Payers

"Democrat McNerney blasted his Republican incumbent opponent while standing outside a Chevron station with East Bay Congressman George Miller.

"His hands, his fingerprints, and the oil company's money are all over his service in the Congress of the United States," said McNerney.
Pombo has received large donations from oil companies and McNerney accuses him of letting oil and gas companies off the hook for billions of dollars in royalties as chairman of the House Resources Committee.

"Chevron and all the oil companies are going to do their best to pay as few taxes as they can. It's our responsibility and the responsibility of Congress to make sure that these monies are paid."

Miller was there to back up McNerney’s call to action. "Richard Pombo has watched out more for the oil companies than he has for the energy consumers in the eleventh district to the taxpayers in the eleventh district and the state of California," Miller said. " (source)


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