Friday, April 21, 2006

Earthday - Oh WOW

I say WOW because Richard Pombo's prized House Resources Committee has really out done themselves with this Earth Day webpage. It's like a parody website, and I'm still having a hard time believing that that is really up on a government website. The page is an anti-environmentalist, anti-environment, pro-big business -junk science propaganda page complete with a "Myth" section, a 'pat yourself on the back' page, and a page entitled "Big Business" which has nothing to do with the negative effects of Big Business on the environment or the money that Big Business gives to Richard Pombo and the Republican Party, but instead goes into attacking environmental groups and liberals.

This is our tax dollars at work and in an unethical and extreme way.

Happy Destroy the Earth Day - Courtesy of Richard Pombo.

For those of us not funded by big business, oil, or lobbyists:

Jerry McNerney: Send an Earth Day message to Pombo

"There is no issue that separates me more from Richard Pombo than environmental policy. My entire adult life as an engineer in clean and renewable energy production has been dedicated to finding a way to create economic growth that does not take place at the expense of the environment. Pombo, on the other hand, prioritizes short-term profit over protecting our nation's natural heritage.

I am not alone, of course. Millions of Americans just like you and me are appalled by Pombo's pillaging of our environment. Unfortunately, Pombo has not been held accountable for his exploits.

We need to change this and change it now.

With Earth Day coming up this Saturday, please join me in sending a clear message to Pombo that our nation’s natural treasures are not his trash.

As Chair of the House Resources Committee, Pombo has consistently voted to weaken environmental protections, to open our most beautiful natural treasures to risky exploitation schemes, and to deepen our nation’s dependency on fossil fuels. Pombo opposed efforts to raise auto emission standards that would have helped clean our polluted air. His proposal to sell off national park and forestland to mining interests and real estate developers would deny public access to these natural reserves and cost taxpayers billions.

We need to hold Richard Pombo accountable. Please take just a minute to sign this Earth Day petition telling Pombo and Congress that we can not allow America's environment to be "Pombo-ized."

I am standing up to Pombo and running for Congress because I believe America needs a new vision for our environment and our economy. Protecting our natural heritage while growing our economy is one of my most urgent concerns and is the inspiration for my vision to bring thousands of new energy technology jobs to American and the 11th Congressional District. Meanwhile, Richard Pombo and the current leadership in Washington have turned their back on this vital responsibility.

Will you join me in making this an Earth Day to remember by signing this petition to Pombo and forwarding it to your friends, family and neighbors?

We have a moral obligation to our children and to the future of our nation to protect our natural heritage. Taking care of our environment is part of taking care of ourselves. When I am elected to Congress, we will fight to put our country on a path of sustainable economic growth; a path that will enable America to lead the world in new energy technology while meeting its obligation to protect the environment.

Together, we can make this vision a reality.


Jerry McNerney" (Source) (Also at DailyKos)


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